Our companies
Our business lines are machinery, metallurgy, engineering, and services. These four divisions are represented by more than 40 companies located in Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Croatia.
Diversification per division
Holding PROMET GROUP is based on the 4 divisions, developed organically and through acquisitions. We emphasize synergies and combination of our products and services for our partners in line with our motto: “We build environment where your ideas can grow.”
Our companies
The group has almost 40 subsidiaries where almost 20 are production companies.
Our employees
Since 1992 and team of 20 people, our business grew into number of teams employing more than 4400 people today.

Traditional producer of heavy trucks with unique chassis concept, available in 7 model lines focused on extreme´conditions.

Tawesco is a unique company that can produce stamping tools and welding, jigs, stamped and welded parts, deep-drawn parts and heavy weldments, all under one roof.

Company producting stamped and welded parts for automotive industry. The main customers are leading passanger and truck vehicle manufacturers.

Producer of trailers, frames and components with surface treatment, painting and final assembly.

Croatian producer of freight wagons and vehicles. The company is more than 100 years old with long tradition and heritage, being the largest industrial group in Croatia.

Supplier of full portfolio of raw materials for foundries and steel plants in Europe.

Trading company based in Slovakia providing raw material to foundries adn steelplant in Slovakia.

Foundry producting gray and ductile iron castings mainly on hand moulding lines. The major customers are representing producers or lifts and escalators, electro motors or industrial sewing machines.

Machining company with accurate surface treatment of castings and weldments produced in PROMET. The machines can reach accuracy of 0,01 mm, followed by all surface treatment including accembly and painting.

Company producting castings and forgings. Castings are produces from gray and ductile iron, steel and aluminium. Forging plant produces complex forgings alloyed or low carbon steel.

Company producing, commissioning and servicing the technological units and steel constructions for customers from steel, energy, chemistry or processing industry.

Construction company focused on industrial projects. The turnkey projects for industrial clients are represented by production halls and infrasctructure, followed by smalled projects for municipality.

Leading Czech electrical installation companies that offers complex solution in heavy current up to 110kV, weak current, measurement, regulation and control systems.

Logistics company providing complex solution for transport needs of the group and external clients. Company uses own fleet of vehicles as well as forwarding.

The parent company of the whole group establishes and managed the strategy and acquisition approach of the group. The company manages the marketing activities and branding strategy of the group and its subsidiaries.

Company prividing central services to the whole holding PROMET and to number of external customers. The central services include all from finance and accounting up to HR, IT or facility and investment management.

Company owning industrial buildingas and land of the group coordinating all investment and facility management activities.

Sister company to Promet Group that covers all the development activities of the owning family, both in residential and office projects.